
Event Information

School supplies are geared toward children up to 12 years of age. The back-to-school event will be held at the same time and location as the monthly Patriot Pantry/Helping the Home Front food distributions at each location. Please see below for specific details and for link to sign up for a food box.

Fort Eustis
1200 – 1300
ACS Parking Lot
Fort Eustis, VA 23604

Separate registration is required to receive a box of shelf stable food. Please visit Fort Eustis Food Boxes.

Langley AFB
1500 – 1630
F-15 Parking Lot
23 Sweeney Blvd
Hampton, VA 23665

Separate registration is required to receive a box of shelf stable food. Please visit Langley AFB Food Boxes.

Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest in our Back-to-school campaign!